Round Midnight’s 'Follow Me' a success in Redditch - The Redditch Standard

Round Midnight’s 'Follow Me' a success in Redditch

Redditch Editorial 23rd Jan, 2016 Updated: 18th Oct, 2016   0

A PERFORMANCE tackling issues of extreme behaviour among youngsters has proved a great success at Woodfield Academy.

The school hosted Round Midnight’s ‘Follow Me’ on Tuesday (January 19) which was watched by their Year 7 and 8 pupils

The show tells the stories of three teenagers faced with difficult situation which call into question who they are, what they think and believe and what is right and wrong.

it had been written to be interactive and keep the children captivated with comedic sketches while getting the message across. The play, directed by Claire Downes and Stuart Lane who are the writers of ITV 2’s The Job Lot, highlights the dangers of social media, peer pressure and unhealthy relationships in a way the youngsters all related to.

Manager and performer Josie Stringer, said: “We address the questions of Who are we? Who should we follow? Things these children are going to be asking themselves at this age.

“These issue are more important than ever with the terror attacks and extremists appearing on the news. Rather than doing a boring and depressing presentation about bombings and attacks, we use humour to keep the children engaged while getting the message across.”

Fellow actor Antonio Aakeel said: “I love getting a laugh out of the children. That is when you know they are really listening and the message is getting through.”

Chloe Masters, aged 13, said: “I really enjoyed it. I thought it was really good. I found it really funny.The one who played Josh was my favourite, he was the funniest one.”

The company are now touring through Worcestershire and can be contacting on 0121 440 8188, by visiting or on social media @Round_Midnight1 .


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