LETETRS - Alzheimer’s Society, education funding and anti-social behaviour - The Redditch Standard

LETETRS - Alzheimer’s Society, education funding and anti-social behaviour

Redditch Editorial 25th May, 2024   0

‘Show your support’

AS A proud ambassador of Alzheimer’s Society, I know all too well the enormous impact dementia is having on families all over the UK.

Over 900,000 people’s lives are presently being turned upside down by this cruel illness.

However, there is hope that one day dementia will no longer devastate lives. Thanks to scientific advances and the determined efforts of researchers and charities like Alzheimer’s Society, we can defeat dementia.

There is so much we can all do to help and support people who are walking this very hard road.

I support the Forget Me Not Appeal in honour of my late aunt, and up and down the country many other people give their time, their energy and raise their voices to make sure people with dementia and their families don’t feel forgotten.

This May, you too can help ensure people with dementia are remembered by wearing a Forget Me Not badge to show your support.

I’m asking you to donate to Alzheimer’s Society’s appeal and wear your Forget Me Not badge with pride – to show people living with dementia they are not forgotten.

Every three minutes someone in the UK develops dementia. There still is no cure, but thanks to huge advances in medical research, there is finally real hope.

You can purchase your badge or other Forget Me Not items, volunteer as a collector or take part in a range of fun activities from crafting to climbing!

Just visit alzheimers.org.uk/forgetmenot for more.

This little blue flower has come to represent remembrance – I’ll be wearing mine for my Aunt. Who will you wear yours for?

Sir Jonathan Pryce CBE

‘Funding is the key’

I NOTE that Mrs Maclean thinks ‘every child should have access to a first class education’.

Good! So do I.

I wonder then why a new independent school is required to provide education to children with learning difficulties where parents have to pay for their education, or wait for the county council to work through reams of paperwork before approving a place.

Children in this situation have been struggling to find a place to learn for the last ten years.

Perhaps the problem is a lack of government funding, so might I suggest that one way of finding spare cash would be to now retain three yearly elections to our district council, instead of reverting to the proposed annual elections beginning again in 2026.

The setting up of polling stations, some of which require the rental and transport of portacabins, the payment of around 27 station controllers from early morning to 10pm, all the paperwork, late night electricity while votes are counted.

Why triple the necessary cost? There is also, of course, the waste of paper and councillor time in canvassing when they could be using this time to help solve constituents’ problems. We have problems with climate and public costs.

Let’s be sensible.

All councillors have just been voted in.

Let’s have the next district election in 2027 and revote the whole lot for a third of the cost…..and put the saved money to improving our state schools and give each child the education they have a right to.

I approve of the ideas of the new school but see no reason why parents should have to pay, nor why the county council should have to pay in a different manner to any other child’s education.

Margot Bish


‘A worrying increase’

I WRITE with concern over the increasing amount of anti-social behaviour in this town centre.

We have young people and adults drunk, shouting obscenities, littering and all sorts.

Redditch used to be a vibrant and community minded town, now a hint of sunshine and trouble increases.

What happened to having pride in the area we live, and treating people with respect.

I urge people to think before they act, and help keep Redditch a safe place.


‘A helpful word’

FOR blind and partially sighted people, accessibility is vital in ensuring we can enjoy the same content as our sighted peers.

When it comes to social media, there are a number of features that often get forgotten about but can make a huge difference when using these platforms.

One of the best ways people can make their social media posts accessible is by including Alt Text.

Alt Text is a written description of an image that ensures blind and partially sighted people can engage with content in the same way as everyone else.

According to RNIB research, three in ten people are aware of Alt Text, whilst of those who know about the tool, half of those surveyed said they’d use it if they saw others do the same.

To mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day (Thursday, May 16), RNIB is launching its accessible social media checklist.

The checklist will act as a prompt for people to keep blind and partially sighted people, and accessibility, in mind when posting on their channels and ensuring they’ve done everything they can to make their posts as accessible as possible.

Visit rnib.in/AccessibleSocialMedia to read the checklist and to find out more about social media accessibility.

Holly Tuke

Social Media Officer

RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People)


SO THE starting gun has been fired for a general election on July 4, just weeks after dramatic scenes at the Redditch Borough Council poll.

With so many issues affecting us nationally and internationally, it feels like the country is at a crossroads.

This could be one of the most important votes in history for all our futures.

Whilst turn-outs in some borough seats were higher than usual, it is imperative in six weeks time everyone has their say to help shape the next government.

We welcome your letters….

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