LETTERS - MP pledge, St Stephens spire and brilliant Alex hospital care - The Redditch Standard

LETTERS - MP pledge, St Stephens spire and brilliant Alex hospital care

Redditch Editorial 18th May, 2024   0

I had brilliant care from Lifeline and the Alex’

I WOULD like to say thank you to Lifeline and the Alex for the prompt response and help given to me – excellent care throughout.

Sally Walters


‘Now it’s the leaning tower of Redditch’ 

I WAS sat on the mezzanine at Wetherspoons on Friday afternoon enjoying a pint and the sun.

From there the spire of St Stephen’s can be seen and it was then I realised it is bent or leaning to the right.

It’s not quite Pisa but could make Redditch famous.

Alan Sangster








‘I want a constructive dialogue with Labour’ 

CONGRATULATIONS to Coun Joe Baker and his party’s success in the local elections. I am sending this open letter to the local Labour leader:

‘I look forward to a constructive working relationship with you as I did when Labour were last in control of the Borough Council under Bill Hartnett’s leadership.

I believe in constructive dialogue in the best interests of our town.

A good working relationship between the Member of Parliament and local government is essential, because funding and policy decided at Westminster cannot be delivered without local agreement.

I have not always agreed with all the council’s decisions regardless of whether it has been under a Labour or Conservative administration.

However, it is my job as the local MP to hold our local councils to account on behalf of my constituents.

I know we both agree that our town and our borough is a fantastic place to live, work and raise a family.

We’re both ambitious for the future of the town and care deeply about its prospects as a thriving community.

I know we also both believe a well-run council is an essential ingredient in quality of life and life chances for local people.

I am certain there is much we agree on, particularly when it comes to regeneration of our town centre and of course the Alexandra Hospital.

Although, as you will know, the borough council has no control over our Acute Trust which runs the Alex, I know we both agree residents should have access to first-class healthcare services. It’s vital we present a united front and speak with one voice to get the best for our town as we continue the fight to return a maternity and children’s service.

And when it comes to regeneration, we both understand the desperate need to level up the town centre. Government funding has been secured to achieve this, and I’m keen to discuss this important issue with you further.

I seek an urgent meeting with you to discuss how we can work together in the best interests of residents who elected us to serve them.

Rachel Maclean MP

Tories have given us 14 years of failure

‘Holding to account is the voters job’

IN AN open letter to Coun Joe Baker, who will assume the mantle of Leader of Redditch Borough Council at the AGM on May 20, Rachel Maclean MP has pronounced ‘it is my job as the local MP to hold our local councils to account on behalf of my constituents’.

I would respectfully point out to Ms Maclean that the incoming Labour administration will be held to account by the overwhelming majority of voters who dismissed the previous holders of that office.

In the same way that she will be held to account by the electorate who will judge her and her Government on their 14 years of failure to the people of Redditch when the unelected Prime Minister finally calls a general election.

In my view, this cannot come soon enough.

Phil Berry,


‘Join the movement to start feeling better’

MOVING regularly and being active is important to nurture and protect good mental health but many of us are not moving enough.

That’s why ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’ is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week from May 13 to 19.

We know that it can be difficult to be physically active when you’re busy with work, childcare or caring responsibilities.

We know it can be tougher still if you’re living with a long-term health condition or struggling financially.

That’s why we’re sharing information and advice throughout the week to help people move more for their mental health.

People are invited to find their #MomentsForMovement and talk about how it makes them feel.

Whether it’s dancing around your living room to your favourite music, doing chair exercises while watching television, or going for a walk in your local park, it all counts, and the Mental Health Foundation want to hear about it!

We invite your readers to share what they’re doing and tag the Mental Health Foundation to be part of the #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek conversation.

Alexa Knight,

Director of England,

Mental Health Foundation


WE ECHO the calls of Ian Kirwan’s wife Lyndsey for parents of teenage children to speak to them about the dangers of carrying a knife.

They poignantly came this week while West Mercia Police were running Operation Sceptre, aimed at combating weapon use.

As well as the injuries and deaths and impact on the victims’ families, too many young people have thrown away their own futures over an error of judgement.

Let us lose the knives before we lose any more lives.

We welcome your letters….

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