Police warning over rogue traders operating in Redditch - The Redditch Standard

Police warning over rogue traders operating in Redditch

Redditch Editorial 3rd Jun, 2024   0

RESIDENTS in Redditch have been warned to be on their guard after a group of rogue traders targeted people living in Headless Cross.

The group of five men have pressured residents to overpay for unnecessary tree surgery.

These traders are using a yellow van pulling a woodchipper in a trailer.

West Mercia Police has urged people to be wary of any individuals matching this description and to report anything suspicious by calling 101.

If people do need trees cutting or any other kind of work, Worcestershire Regulatory Services advises people to not deal with anyone visiting their homes uninvited, not to feel pressured, bullied or threatened into having maintenance carried out.

Rogue traders are renowned for not carrying out jobs properly and carrying out unnecessary work.

People can display a warning card that they do not buy goods or services at the door, should use a chain on the front and back doors and report any suspicious callers to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline number – 0808 223 1133 – or the police on 101.

To get reputable traders, people are urged to ask family, friends, and neighbours for recommendations, ask for references, get at least three quotes for the work, obtain written quotes – do not accept verbal ones – and check if they are members of reputable trade associations.

Family members of elderly and vulnerable people can also set up a ‘nominated neighbour’ scheme whereby those unaware of cold callers can ask their neighbour to check them out if they are unable or uncomfortable doing so.

Houses in the scheme display a flyer letting traders know they have a ‘nominated neighbour’.

Visit redditchbc.gov.uk and search for ‘nominated neighbour scheme’ for more.

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