How Water Source Heat Pumps Can Lower Carbon Emissions In The UK - The Redditch Standard

How Water Source Heat Pumps Can Lower Carbon Emissions In The UK

There is an ever-increasing need to cut carbon emissions from our central heating. As it stands, fossil-fuelled heating currently accounts for up to 40% of the UK’s CO2 emissions, highlighting the need for eco-friendly alternatives.

Sustainable heat pumps are paving the way for new low-carbon heating technology, using green renewable energy to keep your house warm. Water source heat pumps are just one option on the market, with many exciting benefits for eco-conscious households.

What Is A Water Source Heat Pump?

Water source heat pumps efficiently transfer heat from a water source outside and transfer it to inside the home. They are ideal systems for lowering your environmental impact as they use clean, renewable energy from water to run.

Water source heat pumps are less common than other heat pumps that use the air or ground to transfer heat, as your home must be located near a significant quantity of water to operate to its total capacity. However, if your home meets these requirements, you can enjoy one of the most efficient types of heat pump available on the market.

How Does A Water Source Heat Pump Work?

Pipes are submerged into large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, or ponds to absorb heat and pass through the heat pump to raise the temperature for efficient central heating and hot water purposes.

You must consider the area you live in before purchasing a water source heat pump and the distance between your home and the body of water. If you are heating a large house, you must have a large lake or river nearby for the system to run efficiently.

Certain areas may also require special planning permission from the government before you can install a water source pump in your nearby lake or river. Conservation areas are just one example of this. Obtaining the required paperwork and permissions can take time, so do this well in advance.

The Environmental Benefits Of Water Source Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are quickly becoming the solution to the UK’s increasing carbon dioxide emissions as the government supports installing heat pump units inside new homes. Water source heat pumps are remarkably efficient, helping you use less electricity and save more money.

Installing a water source heat pump in your home can lower your carbon footprint, reduce energy bills, and last many years without professional maintenance. To learn more about the various advantages and disadvantages of water source heat pumps, you can read this article by GreenMatch:

How Do Water Source Heat Pumps Differ From A Normal Boiler?

Heat pumps and gas boilers can both do the same thing: provide heating and hot water for your home. However, the key difference between heat pumps and a standard gas boiler is the fuel source they use to operate.

Gas boilers run by burning natural gas to produce heat and transfer it to a water system to heat your home. Natural gas is a fossil fuel, and burning it emits harmful air pollutants that contribute massively to climate change. Gas central heating is a significant source of carbon emissions in the UK, so finding sustainable ways of heating our homes has become a huge priority to protect our planet.

Heat pumps are one way the government is tackling growing carbon emissions in the UK. All heat pumps run on electricity and produce heat using renewable energy from natural sources like the air, ground, and water. Heat pumps can heat your home as effectively as gas boilers without emitting dangerous CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Do Water Source Heat Pumps Suit Any Home?

Water source heat pumps are far less common than air source heat pumps, as fewer houses meet the specific requirements needed to install a water source heat pump.

As mentioned earlier, your house must be near a large water body to install a water source heat pump. For this reason, water source heat pumps are available to very few homes. When considering water source heat pumps, your location and surrounding area matter far more than the type of house you own.

Are Water Source Heat Pumps Worth It?

If you live near a large body of water, such as a lake, river, or even the sea, you should consider investing in an eco-friendly water source heat pump. As the most efficient type of heat pump on the market, your investment can save you thousands a year on energy bills.

While installation can be quite disruptive and acquiring the necessary paperwork can take time, water source heat pumps are an excellent low-carbon, efficient, and cost-effective alternative to potentially dangerous gas central heating.

This article was written by Greenmatch.


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