Heading for the High Court - Controversial 2,560-home plan for Foxlydiate is set for Judicial Review - The Redditch Standard

Heading for the High Court - Controversial 2,560-home plan for Foxlydiate is set for Judicial Review

A JUDICIAL Review into the controversial planning application to build more than 2,500 homes on land off Foxlydiate Lane and Birchfield Lane has been granted.

A High Court Judge has permitted Bentley Pauncefoot Parish Council the hearing which will have a cost cap of £5,000 but there will be further legal fees to be met.

In an update to residents, the parish council said it had been able to get this far in the process, thanks to donations from generous people but further assistance was needed so the fight ‘to prevent developers from disrupting people’s lives for many years to come’ could continue.

“We estimate the cost to continue will be £15,000.

“If we win, not only should the planning permission be quashed, but the Judge could award us costs of up to £35,000 enabling us to reimburse those who have contributed on a pro-rata basis.”

Anyone wanting to contribute should email the Parish Clerk Anne at [email protected] and anyone wanting to find out more information can go along to a public meeting being held at Bentley Village Hall, Manor Road, Upper Bentley, at 7pm on Monday, July 18.

In January, the outline plans for up to 2,560 properties in Foxlydiate, including a new local centre, school and community facilities, were formally approved after the completion of an £18million legal agreement between the developer and the local planning authority Bromsgrove District Council.

The agreement covers a wide range of financial contributions and binding requirements covering transport, education, health, and green infrastructure.

Residents have campaigned tirelessly against the development which they say will lead to disruption for many years to come.

The properties would be built over a period of 15 years with Foxlydiate Lane initially used for access to the site before an entrance was created on Birchfield Lane.

Residents also claim the area is already a rat-run as drivers use it to avoid congestion on the A448 Bromsgrove Highway and A38.

A Bromsgrove District Council spokesperson said: “It’s inappropriate for the council to comment on live proceedings but we remain engaged with the whole process.”


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