LETTERS - Drink spiking, flooding and calls for return of Alex A&E - The Redditch Standard

LETTERS - Drink spiking, flooding and calls for return of Alex A&E

‘Beware dangers of drinks being spiked’

THE NATIONAL Police Chief’s Council has said that around 5,000 cases of needle spiking occurred between September 2021 and September 22.

One of the issues is that statistics are not routinely published by police forces, so it is difficult for the public to know whether it is going on in their area and to what extent it affects men vs women.

The people involved in such incidents are usually adept at using medical implements such as needles, and victims will most likely be vulnerable – connected to the sex or drug trades, or alone in a new town they must get have moved to for work.

A good piece of advice is to not to allow people, including new work colleagues, to buy you drinks unless you are friends and know them.

Matthew Thomas,



‘We need return of a full Alex A&E service’

AFTER a brilliant carol service at Headless Cross I found myself involved in a family’s nightmare.

A lady lying injured in the road with huge numbers of cars leaving the event.

I joined the two standing in the road to guide cars around those looking after the lady and when we were protected by a car with hazard lights and headlights on, went to offer my coat for warmth and protection from the pelting rain.

The ambulance and police had been requested. We waited, ringing again to ensure the 999 service knew we were sitting in the road but being told we must not move the lady who had serious head injuries.

The police came and were excellent – calm, practical and sensible.

Two wonderful residents offered blankets, umbrellas and a flask to warm the lady’s hands. One, being a nurse, took over the monitoring.

How great Redditch people are!

We waited. The police chased for the ambulance’s ETA. An hour passed, and more. The ambulance took an hour-and-a-half to arrive.

If it had not been for the umbrellas, coats and blankets, and eventually a foil wrap blanket, the deterioration would have been disastrous in that wet, dark night.

It’s all well and good for Rachel Maclean to ask for a return of paediatrics and maternity to The Alex but what we really need is the return of our full emergency department.

The ambulance would have been with us in under 40 minutes if it had only been transporting the last patient to Redditch instead of undertaking a 40-minute-round trip to Worcester with further delays queuing to unload because there are not enough beds at the Royal.

We may be lucky to have gained a whole batch of planned operating theatres at The Alex to serve the whole of Worcestershire, but just one emergency operating theatre at The Alex would save more lives, reduce long-term trauma and solve the logistical problems caused by long journeys.

Please can we have back what we had in 2010 – heart, stroke, paediatrics and full emergency care.

My thoughts are with that family, I hope all has turned out well.

Margot Bish,



‘River railings help to cause more flooding’

EVERY time we have heavy rain, Battens Drive floods. Each time, numerous cars suffer severe damage and have to be towed out.

Historically we never witnessed floods like this.

It seems the placing of barrier railings in the adjacent river to stop detritus flowing into Arrow Valley Lake is now continually blocking up.

Whoever made the decision to place these railings needs to take a close look at the complications it has created.

A local resident


‘Priority should be a better town for all’

YES it is OK to be happy and proud of where you live but let’s remember that this uncomfortable ‘miserable Redditch’ moniker has come from lengthy research by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

The ONS has been attempting to measure national wellbeing, and undertaken regular and extensive consultation with residents across the UK.

It is important to note that life satisfaction has declined across the country, and levels of ‘happiness’ were very closely linked to good health with areas such as Redditch suffering higher levels of anxiety than previously. Disabled residents reported lower levels of personal wellbeing than other demographics.

Other factors included levels of education, employment opportunities, housing, access to green spaces and the availability of transport.

Redditch Borough Council should be following its own Council Plan and Strategic Purposes which includes ‘improved health and wellbeing.’ We should always be seeking to build upon the quality of life of our residents.

Instead of telling people they have no reasons to be miserable, we should acknowledge inequalities and try to narrow those gaps.

The trouble with consultation is that it does not always tell you what you want to hear and this is why Coun Dormer and his Tory crew wish to present a more blinkered version.

A good council leader would ask WHY the research is so unfavourable and seek to address those concerns raised, rather than just telling us to be happy with our lot.

Coun Sharon Harvey,

Labour (Central Ward)


IT IS fantastic news that Purity Brewing Co has been bought and saved, securing the 60 jobs there.

As well as the employment opportunities, the brewery has built up an excellent reputation among customers and beer connoisseurs and strives for environmental sustainability.

Now hopefully, with Breal Group’s investment, the business will go from strength-to-strength and continue to do what it has done best over the past 18 years – brew good quality ale and, in doing so, put our area on the map.

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