LETTERS - Garden of Remembrance, save our songbirds and out of touch politicians - The Redditch Standard

LETTERS - Garden of Remembrance, save our songbirds and out of touch politicians

Redditch Editorial 6th Apr, 2024   0

‘Tory claims strange and exaggerated’

THE CONSERVATIVE leaflet ‘In Touch’ – though a more accurate title would be ‘Out of Touch’ – referred to before by correspondents, is a curious publication.

Coun Woodall demolished their peculiar claims about sound financial management in his letter in an earlier Standard, not the hardest task, as I’m sure he would admit.

The leaflet also claimed ‘a number of public services are being brought together at the town hall’ which seems to be code for ‘we are spending a fortune to ensure Redditch doesn’t have a purpose-built library for the first time since 1885’.

They claim ‘millions of pounds’ have been invested in parks and play areas.

Despite all this money, the footpaths around Arrow Valley Park are regularly blocked by enormous puddles, in up to seven places at times.

It’s a shame a few thousand of those millions couldn’t have been spent on better drainage so people could actually use it in wet weather.

As for play areas, the ‘major upgrade’ will result in the closure of the one in Matchborough, an area of the town the Conservatives seem to have a particular animus toward.

They are so proud of their turning part of Arrow Valley Park into a cemetery, thus removing recreational green space from the people of Matchborough, Ipsley and elsewhere that they do not mention it at all.

I think anyone who really is ‘in touch’ with what has taken place in Redditch under the Dormer regime would see the leaflet’s exaggerated and sometimes strange claims as incontrovertible proof they need to go out and vote Labour on May 2.

K Wass


‘Time to prepare for Garden anniversary’

ON April 2, 1925, the Garden of Remembrance in Plymouth Road was opened. The land was given by the Earl of Plymouth.

Further details including photographs might be in the library’s archives, and in our Local History Museum.

It is hoped the borough councillors elected in May will then have plenty of time to organise an event and have a memorial before this time next year.

My suggestion is erect a suitable memorial at the southern end near the Pitcher Oak Golf Course’s car park.

The war memorial at the northern end was put up in 1927, so that will give the council and councillors even more time to plan for that 100th anniversary.

Philip Bladon,


‘Actions not words needed by our MP’

THERE must be an election imminent as Rachel Maclean keeps insisting she is doing everything she can to get maternity and paediatric services back to the Alex.

‘Everything’ doesn’t include turning up to the peaceful march organised by Kirsty Southwell.

Actions not words?

Sharon Harvey


‘Ways for cat owners to help our songbirds’

WITH spring in the air, Cats Protection and Songbird Survival have teamed up to offer advice on the best ways to help reduce hunting of songbirds by pet cats in the hope of protecting the threatened population.

A survey of 1,000 cat owners, conducted by Songbird Survival, revealed almost half of cat owners (46 per cent) aren’t aware of ways to reduce cat predation.

Hunting is a natural, innate behaviour for cats and they feel driven to do it. Not all cats hunt and it generally reduces as they age. However, just a few simple strategies can protect birds and benefit your cat’s welfare too.

Spring is a particularly vulnerable time for songbirds as we are in the nesting and breeding season, which runs up to July as they gather.

It’s important to protect songbird populations from decline and cat owners and bird lovers alike can make a big difference by putting up nest boxes as well as not using pesticides in their gardens.

Top tips for reducing hunting:

Play with your cat for five to ten minutes every day as it allows them to exhibit their natural hunting behaviour and reduces their motivation to seek out prey. Pick out a toy that mimics prey movement – such as a fishing-rod toy

Feed cats with a premium, meat-rich food as it’s been scientifically shown to reduce hunting tendencies

Keep cats in at night to help songbird populations and to reduce the chances of your cat being involved in a road traffic accident.

For more, please visit Songbird Survival’s Get EduCated campaign at songbirdsos.org/get-educated or the Cats Protection’s website.

Nicky Trevorrow, Cats Protection Behaviour Manager

Susan Morgan, CEO of Songbird Survival



‘RSPCA plea for more friends of our wildlife’

WE all share our neighbourhoods with wonderful wildlife and we need to protect them.

By becoming an RSPCA Wildlife Friend, animal lovers can join with their community to make a safe space for the animals who share our world.

Our Wildlife Friends volunteering scheme is great for anyone who can spare a few minutes, or a couple of hours, to create a better and kinder world for every animal.

This year, we have 24 tasks to inspire everyone into action for wildlife.

We had a super response last year when around 2,000 people pitched in to undertake a range of tasks to improve wildlife habitats in and around their communities but we need people to pitch in again as we aim to create a one million-strong movement for animal welfare, during our 200th year.

Brian Reeves,

RSPCA head of volunteering



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