LETTERS - police confidence, immigration and scammers - The Redditch Standard

LETTERS - police confidence, immigration and scammers

Correspondent 3rd Feb, 2024   0

‘I’m not surprised at how meanings change’

YOUR feature on the true meanings of words was very interesting, though I’m not sure how many would really confuse ‘bemused’ with ‘amused’ or ‘depreciate’ with ‘deprecate’.

As for ‘oblivious’, I would contend it does now mean unaware.

English is a living language and thus in a constant state of flux.

Changes in usage called to mind the old, probably apocryphal, anecdote of an 18th century lexicographer being caught by his wife in flagrante delicto with a house maid.

On his wife exclaiming ‘Sir! I am surprised!’ he replied, ‘No my dear, we are surprised, you are astonished’.

Now, of course, his wife could rightly claim to be surprised.

K Wass

‘MPs choose statistics to suit themselves’

NEW import border controls come into operation this week in the UK that will further raise costs for businesses importing goods, including food, from Europe.

As the party in government, the Conservatives have a duty to truthfully reflect economic realities.

In her Westminster Diary published on January 26, Rachel Maclean MP reaches back to 2010 to support her claim that ‘the UK’s economy has actually grown faster than any other major European economy’, and to reject the concerns of ‘doomsters and gloomsters’.

Why go so far back? The referendum was June 2016, and EU withdrawal January 2020.

Is there anything wrong with the figures since then?

Oakenshaw Resident

‘As police, we need the community confidence’

ON Tuesday, January 23, the results of the largest integrity screening project ever undertaken in policing were published.

This has seen 307,452 police officers, staff and volunteers in England and Wales checked against the Police National Database (PND), including those that work for West Mercia Police, your local service.

Here at West Mercia Police 4,745 people were checked and, as the data released by the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), shows one individual required a vetting clearance review.

Two others had additional checks to establish if there were any issues, there were none and no further action was needed.

This national cross-checking of records has complemented our current vetting practices to further strengthen the safeguards we have in place to make sure the right people are working in policing, and to assure ourselves about the integrity of our vetting standards.

A huge amount of work is done to check the suitability of our officers and staff before they join us, as you should expect, and should those then serving in the force betray our core values we will get them out as quickly as possible.

I want you to have confidence that we are doing all we can to ensure our workforce has the highest standards of integrity and when an officer is dismissed, we will not be quiet.

We will let you know so you can see the tangible results of our drive to improve and build your confidence in your police service.

We are grateful for your support. We cannot police without your consent and welcome the scrutiny and challenge from our Independent Advisory Groups and the feedback we receive in local surveys and through our Safer Neighbourhood Teams.

By working together with you we can ensure we build on the Safer West Mercia Plan and create safer communities for all.

Alex Murray

Temporary Chief Constable, West Mercia Police


‘Make sure you check workers’ credentials’

YOU should always exercise caution when someone knocks on your door offering to do work.

The safest thing to do is turn down the offer on the doorstep and then take advice by speaking to trusted sources.

Check Google reviews, or use companies recommended by friends and family.

One of the quickest ways to check the credentials of a pest controller is to ask if they are a member of a trade body such as British Pest Control Association (BPCA).

It’s like using the pest control equivalent of Trusted Traders. Members are trained, insured, regularly assessed, and commit to our Codes of Best Practice.

You can also check that a company is a BPCA member by using our online find a pest controller tool.

A pest technician who is called out to your home should have a BPCA Registered card that you can ask to see as well.

A genuine pest professional will always be happy to show their credentials and put your mind at ease.

As well as ensuring only legitimate traders have access to your home, understanding the role of pest control can also be important for homeowners.

Some pest control products require a licence, while others can only legally be used when specific criteria has been met.

It is vital residents not only ensure that any pest controller is a genuine operative, but also that they have the expertise to deal with a pest issue safely and legally.

Natalie Bungay,

Technical and Compliance Manager at BPCA


WE WISH former professional Redditch boxer Carl Dickens all the best with his new gym to help children in the borough who are struggling with behaviour problems and autism.

His desire to make the Wallop Boxing Gym one of the biggest in the Midlands should help put the town on the map, all whilst helping young people in the process.

The benefits of sport and exercise for both physical and mental wellbeing are well-documented and what Carl is trying to achieve is inspirational.

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