LETTERS - Redditch council elections, drain clearing and history society success - The Redditch Standard

LETTERS - Redditch council elections, drain clearing and history society success

Redditch Editorial 23rd Mar, 2024   0

‘Increasingly wrong’

I AM writing about the local elections due in May.

The ruling Conservative Party has put out pamphlets promising no increase in next year’s council tax for the borough element which is the smallest part of your total council tax bill. This does beg the question if everything is so rosy in the garden why did they not do it this year?

Perhaps they are following the Tory Central Government, including Rachel McLean.

The best advice is never trust a Tory.

John Smith

Ledbury Close

‘Not good enough’

I AM writing to complain about the state of roads in Redditch and in particular the lack of gutter and drain cleaning. What are the council up to?

It is simply not good enough to leave ‘flood’ and ‘try your brakes’ signs out all year long as in Coldfield Drive, Southcrest, for example.

We have again had to make a ‘U’ turn back the other way there on Sunday as many other cars were doing the same.

Then going to work past the junction for Coventry Highway/Alvechurch Highway as you exit it’s dangerous having to swerve into the right hand lane to avoid the water.

Then again at the bottom of Merse Road, Moons Moat and bottom of Burnt Meadow Road and this is just a trip to work.

Now before anyone claims climate change, that’s a convenient excuse not a reason as it is the fault of the council which does not clear gutters or drains any longer.

You only have to look at the state of gutters as you drive down any highway/road in Redditch, it’s not good enough.

Perhaps the controlling group on the present council knows it is on a hiding to nothing this year and so will blame the next lot.

M Jones

Crabbs Cross

‘Conflict of interest’

WITH Redditch Borough Council’s commitment to the controversial demolition of our taxpayer-funded library building and construction of a new commercial plaza in its place, I trust we will see Councillor Matt Dormer disqualify himself and all of his construction-related businesses from any profit-making involvement, if he hasn’t already publicly done so.

Any consideration of his company’s participation or any preference given to his business associates or suppliers must surely pose a serious conflict of interest for this or any future council.

Oakenshaw Resident

‘Looking for heroes’

THE British Heart Foundation (BHF) is looking for Heart Heroes and Young Heart Heroes in your community.

Is there someone you know living with a heart condition who has achieved something remarkable or a superstar fundraiser that deserves a thank you?

Do you know someone like Krystalla, one of last year’s winners who saved her partner’s life with CPR?

Nominations are now open for the BHF’s 2024 Heart Hero Awards and we need your help to find them.

Our Heart Hero Awards celebrates those who have gone above and beyond for the charity’s cause.

From groundbreaking heart researchers to children with heart conditions who have overcome adversity – the BHF wants to honour them all.

Make sure the Heart Hero in your life gets the recognition they deserve.

Visit: bhf.org.uk/heartheroes to nominate your Heart Hero.

Amanda Jacobs

Head of events at the BHF

‘Unreliable account’

THIS weekend I picked up the first Tory leaflet of the election campaign, read the their claims of ‘sound financial management’ and nearly choked on my tea.

The council’s accounts have not been signed off for the last three years.

The Tories have spent 80 per cent of Redditch’s reserves covering the tracks of their own profligacy.

We are now borrowing millions to pay for their out of control vanity projects.

As I write this the council budget is still in deficit this year and it has put up both the council tax and rents to pay for the mess it created.

They also have no finance plan in place to address the rising tide of homelessness, the epidemic in black mould in social housing or the spiraling borrowing requirements forced on Redditch taxpayers by their unhinged regeneration programme.

This must be some definition of sound finances I am not aware of. But it’s brought to us by this Tory council. They think GB News is balanced and that Boris Johnson dresses well.

I would urge voters to remember their grip on reality isn’t exactly strong and treat their leaflets accordingly!

Councillor Ian Woodall


Headless Cross and Oakenshaw

‘Matters of history’

OUR March meeting was an excellent finish to our current year.

We had a large attendance of 59 members and nine visitors, so a total of 68.

Our season runs from April to March, so our next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

For our last meeting of the current season, we had an enjoyable presentation by Max Keen.

This month it is the last of the series and covers the railway system which came to the fore in the 19th century and, until well into the 20th century, revolutionised transport of goods and materials throughout the country.

Take care, stay safe and look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

Anthony Green

Redditch History Society Secretary



COUNCILS and MPs are often criticised so, when victories for people power and the good of the town emerge, they should also be praised.

It seems almost everyone – apart from the developers – agreed with the planning committee that the controversial proposals for more than 200 homes on land to the west of Hither Green Lane were right to be thrown out.

Well done to campaigners, residents, councillors and the MP – with Redditch meeting its government housing requirements, this development is not needed.


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