Police kiosk, health hub and making a will - This weeks Redditch Standard letters - The Redditch Standard

Police kiosk, health hub and making a will - This weeks Redditch Standard letters

THIS week’s letters to the editor.


‘No kiosk’

THIS is not a complaint about the police, it is about (West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner) John Campion and the provision of what he said would be provided regarding the temporary police station in Redditch.

This morning, Sunday, October 29, I was told that the Police had moved into their temporary base in the Kingfisher Shopping Centre.

John Campion had assured the public that:

(i) There would be a kiosk provided – there was no sign of it.

I talked to a member of the KSC’s Guest Services staff – she had absolutely no idea when or where that would be located.

(ii) Signage would be provided showing where the kiosk is located – no signage at all.

(iii) There would be an increase in the number of Police Officers and PCSOs seen in the area – no sign of them.

However there were lots of police cars parked in their reserved spot.

I’ll add, in the planning application – the kiosk was mentioned.

And the borough council’s planning officer said signage was going to be provided.

I, together with colleagues, await Mr Campion’s reply.

P Bladon, Southcrest 

‘Making it up as they go along’ 

WHAT was the input of ‘service users’ into the decision to move the Community Mental Health hub to the Town Hall? (Redditch Standard).

As well as the usual suspects pictured at the unveiling with the staff who believe it will improve the experience for patients, were the people who the service is for present?

There is empowerment, feelings of ownership/partnership when all those involved are engaged at all stages.

What consultation was carried out with other local mental health community-based provision?

At times of mental distress being in a safe and secure environment is paramount, whether a Town Hall is the most appropriate location with all the activity, noise increasing as several other agencies, including public library in the vicinity due to start operating under that one roof.

A venue such as The Old Needleworks dedicated and contained to mental health needs and support would possibly be more suitable.

Now located within the Town Hall are local taxpayers also funding the refurbishment/ongoing running costs of the NHS community mental health hub?

Where in the Redditch town centre plan/application for central government funds was there proposal and intention to move community mental health services to the Town Hall?

Has it been a case of make it up as they go along?

If the idea of having services under one roof is such a good one why wasn’t it done years ago – before cost of living crisis etc?

On community mental health more broadly, from recent ONS surveys Redditch rated the sixth most stressed place in England, previous survey rated it the ‘unhappiest place’.

It remains to be seen whether artisanal cafes and a water feature instead of the demolished library will help to provide the upturn in prospects and how the people of Redditch feel about their town.

A Godwin, Redditch

‘Culture war’

IN YOUR October 27 edition, Redditch MP Mrs Maclean accused the Liberal Democrats of chasing headlines and playing games.

This from a Conservative, the party trying to create a culture war in a desperate attempt to hold onto power.

Oliver, Lodge Park

‘Flailing attempt at credibility’

I HAD to laugh at Mrs Maclean’s latest flailing attempt at credibility – accusing the Liberal Democrats of trying to grab headlines.

This from an MP whose party leader is actually going against his own government’s policy on cutting emissions, greenhouse gases and reducing our dependency on cars!

In the past this MP has turned herself inside out in support of Dominic Cummings – the man who drove from London to the north east for an eye test (!) during the Covid lockdown, the baffoon that was Boris Johnson when he was prime minister and now accusing, possibly – along with the Greens – the only political party with actual cast iron integrity.

She’d swear the moon was made of cheese if it meant she could still curry favour with the Tories and cling on to her seat in Redditch.

J Robinson, Church Hill

‘Make sure you make a will’

MAKING a will is one of those things that many people put off. Sometimes it’s because they haven’t had time, or they haven’t got round to booking an appointment. Other people simply don’t like thinking about death.

But the result of this is that the majority of UK adults (59%), according to a recent poll by Will Aid, still do not have this vital document in place that could alleviate confusion and financial problems for their loved ones.

It also means their wishes may not necessarily be met after their death and their estate may not be shared in the way they would like.

This year we have witnessed the tragic passing of a number of famous faces including Michael Gambon, Sinead O’Connor, Glenda Jackson and Tina Turner, a reminder to us all of the fragility of life and the sadness we leave behind.

And thanks to Will Aid, there is a very simple way for people to get their affairs in order – and support nine of the UK’s best-loved charities in the process.

Will Aid is an annual scheme taking place every November and sees participating solicitors volunteer their time and expertise to write basic wills, waiving fees and instead inviting clients to make an upfront donation to the campaign.

Donations go to the campaign’s nine partner charities, ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

Solicitors across the UK are taking part in this year’s campaign, with many offering virtual appointments. To find a solicitor, visit www.willaid.org.uk.

P de Vena Franks,

Campaign Director

Editors comment

THE Redditch Standard is once again backing the town’s annual Christmas Toy Appeal.

Organised by the Revitalise Redditch group of local churches and the amazing charity Acts of Kindness and they say such is the cost of living crisis hitting local families, the need is greater than ever.

Last year more than 500 local children enjoyed a proper Christmas thanks to the amazing generosity of Redditch residents.

The toys need to be new, not used, and they can be dropped off at the visitor centre in the Kingfisher, St Stephen’s Church, and our offices in Church Green East.


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