Redditch poet John Davies has anthology published to raise funds for Cancer Research - The Redditch Standard

Redditch poet John Davies has anthology published to raise funds for Cancer Research

REDDITCH resident John Davies has published an anthology of poems and short stories on Amazon kindle and paperback.

Called ‘Hair of the Doggerel’ and proceeds from sales will go to Cancer Research.

Below is ‘The Drummer’ a tribute to the late John Bonham who was an old classmate of John’s at Lodge Farm Secondary School (now Woodfield Academy) from 1960-62.

The Drummer, by Grandad John Davies

1959, Redditch.

My cofidence at 11 years old was never really high

I knew I’d fail my 11-plus as I didn’t really try

I also felt the County High would see me as a fool

So I arrived distressed one morn at Lodge Farm Secondary School

I settled in with friends I knew from previous junior days

Recognised the clever kids and all the bully’s ways.

Then after being in 1B’s form for 16 weeks or so

A new boy joined the 1B throng, a boy we didn’t know

Hi clothes were smart, his hair was combed in thick-greased Elvis style

A cocky laugh, a self belief came with a cheeky smile

He’d playfully hit you on the arm and say ‘mate, how’yer doin’?

The teachers marked him down as lost, on a road to rack and ruin

He brought his bongos to the school one afternoon in May

The drama mistress used his skills to embellish the boring play

We sat amazed at his drumming speed that reached a feverish peak

His mind was on another plain with his tongue stuck in his cheek.

After leaving school in ‘63 I saw him in a band

The Blue Star Trio was their name and he was in command

His drum sticks flashed like lightning, a bass drum sonic boom

I must confess it hurt my ears like thunder in the room.

In ‘64 he’d joined The Spiders – they auditioned for TV

But his drumming drowned the singer’s voice and hurt his dignity

The producer turned them down and condemned their drummer’s sound

‘You’ll never make the big-time boy, with that drummer being around’

How wrong he was, for in ‘68 a trio took him in

They loved his beat and knew this drummer was perfect for ‘Led Zeppelin’.

Click here to buy John’s book on Amazon.


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