Spring, resurrection, and the joy of life reborn this Easter - The Redditch Standard

Spring, resurrection, and the joy of life reborn this Easter

Correspondent 4th Apr, 2021   0

Town centre chaplain and vicar of Ste Stephen’s Church writes:

BACK in April 2020 I wrote about things we thought could never happen…have you, like me, had a year where many more things have happened you never thought would?

Are you, like me thinking how are we still here, locked down, with all sorts of areas of our life still restricted?

Once again, we embark on recalling what happened to Jesus some 2000 years ago.

An incredible teacher, preacher, a man who demonstrated the power of God through miracles over disease, over nature and indeed over death.

On Good Friday, all those years ago it seemed as though the ‘Jesus Story’ had come to an end.

We can perhaps relate to the disciples locking themselves away.

In their case, fearful of the authorities rather than seeking to protect ourselves and others from a virus. But hope would come in the morning.

As we look out of our windows, as we take exercise, as some of us travel to work, we see the joy of Spring. Spring flowers starting to bloom, signs of new life.

Every year the miracle of seemingly barren trees bursting into life, full of leaf! Where did all that life spring from?

There are signs of things improving but does it feel so slow? The birthing of new life can be painful process.

God revealing His plans for us through Jesus’ death on the Cross was a painful process. But joy comes in the morning.

For us, the time will come when we can meet with friends and relatives again. I am looking forward to playing with our granddaughter as she approaches her second birthday.

So many things where joy comes.

For the disciples on that first Easter, the sight of the risen Jesus. Jesus defeating death which we can fear so much. Showing us there is more brought shock, surprise, and joy! The resurrection of Jesus points to an amazing future hope.

Can we strive to be people of hope as we work our way out of these times? Can we be people focused on more than ourselves?

Can we know that God himself wants to be in relationship with us and walks with us as we travel?

I pray that next year we will be in a new place, a better place and I will not have to ask, ‘are you still here?’

To explore more about who Jesus is and the Christian faith try Alpha Online. If you can Zoom you can enjoy Alpha. Our next course starts in April. Find out more at holytrinityredditch.org.uk/courses.

Find out more about services in churches over Easter at CTIR.church and holytrinityredditch.org.uk/services.

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