This week's Redditch and Alcester Standard letters...... - The Redditch Standard

This week's Redditch and Alcester Standard letters......

Redditch Editorial 2nd Jul, 2021   0

Saddened not to have been invited to Redditch Armed Forces Day

I WAS terribly saddened earlier this week not to be invited to the raising of the Union Jack to mark Armed Forces Day at Redditch Town Hall.

My sadness pales into insignificance when noting the absence of members of Redditch Royal British Legion.

The Legion does amazing work with veterans and I had the privilege to get to know the local branch during my Mayoralty.

What a great insult to our veterans, servicemen and servicewomen not to invite the Royal British Legion to mark this prestigious event.

I do hope someone will have the grace to apologise for this terrible oversight.

No doubt the Covid-19 excuse will be trotted out but to my knowledge there’s no shortage of face masks!

Coun Juliet Brunner

Matchborough ward


More solar panels needed for those large roofs

I SAW a report on the TV news featuring the amount and size of warehouses being built in the UK.

Some are truly vast dwarfing the likes of Villa Park etc.

It prompted a thought. Are the roofs covered with solar panels? If not why not? Have we missed a trick here?

Perhaps Mr or Mrs Redditch Amazon might enlighten us.

D Vincent



More control needed over Redditch’s escooters

I HAVE sent this letter to Bird who run the e-scooters in Redditch.

The major use of these scooters is by not 18 years plus driving licence etc but by youngsters with one or more passengers.

I have seen this on more than one occasion, an older rider using them in the Winyates West area.

I can view Lowlands Lane from a house window, whoever in their right mind would think that this would be a ‘good idea’ and how do ‘youngsters’ have access to them?

Scooters are thrown down anywhere that they are finished with, which makes the area like a rubbish tip.

I would like to know the cost and real world take up of these.

I have yet to see anyone with shopping bags, so I don’t think many people are leaving their car at home to use one.

D Hayter



Street Beat was fantastic – let’s have more of the same

WELL done to Indigo Arts.

The buskers around the church on Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, livened up the town.

Street Beats are there for a few more weekends and every day during the last week of July.

The lady with the violin and drummer by the Three Cooks were brilliant.

I would certainly like to see them again.




We need proper consultation on Redditch Market

WHEN I heard councillors had cancelled the contract with the market traders, I was concerned that for the first time in living memory the town would be without a market.

I asked the owners of the Mason Road shop if I could put a petition in there to get the market reinstated.

As I don’t use social media, I had no means of publicising the petition and therefore had little hope of any success.

To my surprise the sheets have steadily been filling up which proves many people share my view that the town needs a market.

I have been told the traders are happy in the town centre unit but what if the town centre management needs the unit.

Councillors ask for our vote in return for representing our interests and opinions.

Is it not time for more public consultation on matters which affect the whole town – and not just on social media which many hundreds of people don’t use or trust?

M Morley


Go those extra lengths for Diabetes UK

DIABETES UK is inviting people from across the Midlands to dive into a sponsored swimming challenge that raises vital funds for diabetes research and helps us support people living with the condition.

Swim22 runs between July 22 and October 22 and involves swimming a total of 22 miles – the equivalent of crossing the English Channel. Participants can take on the challenge at their own pace, accumulating the miles across the course of the 12 weeks.

Swimming is a fantastic way to get fit and healthy, have fun and set yourself a challenge.

By taking on Swim22, you’ll also be raising money to help Diabetes UK ensure people living with diabetes get the care and support they need.

You can take on the challenge in your local pool alone or with family, friends, or colleagues, though you should check the Covid-19 restrictions in your area before taking part and adhere to them.

There are two other options to choose from. Participants can do ‘The Half’, covering 11 miles – half the distance to France and still an impressive feat. More experienced swimmers may wish to take on ‘The Double’ – swimming 44 miles, the equivalent of swimming to France and back again.

To register for Swim22, visit

There is no registration fee and no minimum sponsorship.

Please sign up to Swim22 and make a splash for Diabetes UK.

Peter Shorrick,

Midlands and East Regional Head

Diabetes UK



TUESDAY night’s long-awaited England victory against Germany in Euro 2020 was definitely one to savour and great to see 55 years’ worth of demons laid to rest.

It was also fantastic to see a relatively full stadium and the mass celebrations – both in Wembley and around the country.

It signalled a return to some kind of normality and gave us all something to smile about after a torrid 16 months.

Long may the winning run and the easing of restrictions continue.

We welcome your letters…..

What pressing issues do you feel need addressing in Redditch  and Alcester? Send us your views to [email protected]



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